Hot Tub Tips to Prepare For Below Freezing Temps
With the Chicagoland winters we get here, there's bound to be a good amount of below freezing temp days! We get asked a lot of questions on how to properly prepare hot tubs for the frigid weather and prevent freeze damage. Here is a quick Q&A with one of our Spa Technicians, Eric Lewis, to help!
Eric Lewis, American Sale Spa Technician
Q: Can hot tubs withstand freezing temperatures?
Eric: Absolutely! With proper maintenance and routine checking, any hot tub owner can make sure their tub survives the coldest of winters. A good tip during this kind of weather is to tarp the hot tub making sure first the spa cover is tight and locked, and the tarp is secure. This will help keep reduce evaporation and heat loss and insulate the spa better.
Q: What should a hot tub owner do to make sure their hot tub doesn't suffer any freeze damage in frigid weather?
Eric: Hot tubs should always be routinely maintained. This includes more than just keeping up with the chemicals, but consistently changing out filters on time to ensure the water is circulating properly and to avoid any sort of debris blockage or calcium build-up. For freezing temperatures, we always suggest to keep your hot tub at the temperature you like soaking in. Do not drop the temperature. If you do this, the heater will work harder and there will be more of a risk of it going out. I suggest keeping it within a 101 - 105 degree range. Check that your filters are clean, the heater is heating up the water properly, and that your circulation pump is running nicely. And do this several times while the temperatures are cold. Always be vigilant of your tub during this type of weather.
Q: What if I find that the water isn't heating up?
Eric: First, remove your filters and reset the spa to see if that gets the tub running properly. If that works, then you need new filters. If it doesn't work, it may be a heater or circulation pump issue. You'll need to call our Spa Service line immediately (708-623-1481). You don't want the tub to sit for very long before a tech visit. But before one of us can get out to your home, we suggest turning on a regular hair dryer inside the cabinet so that your pipes won't freeze. The hair dryer doesn't emit too much heat to cause a fire, but enough to keep the pipes at a warmer temperature so they won't freeze up. Make sure to turn on the hair dryer on high and at the warmest temperature setting and then close the cabinet. But make sure you leave the spa filled and DO NOT drain your spa.
For more information on spa maintenance and troubleshooting tips, please visit our Help Center.