Ace Diamond System

Ace Diamond System

The Secret is Diamonds

The ACE system contains a special diamond electrode that automatically creates five different powerful and effective cleaners for your hot tub from just a small amount of salt and your spa's water. When the diamond electrode is energized, it breaks apart water molecules to create active oxygen. Active oxygen is one of the world's most effective natural cleaners and is the first way the ACE system automatically cleans the water. The active oxygen then combines with salt and other elements in the water to create chlorine and three other powerful oxidizers.


Automated, More, Hands-Free and Easy

Since the ACE system automatically generates cleaners, you'll have fewer bottled products to measure and pour. This more hands-free approach saves you time, so it's easier than ever to care for your Hot Spring spa. To get started, just add the appropriate amount of salt to balanced water. Using the easy-to-navigate menus on the spa's main control panel, enter your spa's size and your expected use level. Simply check the sanitizer level regularly with a test strip, and confirm your use level monthly. A status message on the control panel lets you know that the ACE system is cleaning the water so you can relax.